Zuplo Changelog

We release improvements, new features, and fixes daily. Follow along here to see the most important updates.

July 10, 2024
Zuplo Identity Token + Federated IdentityZuplo developers can now use the built-in Zuplo Identity Token to securely authenticate downstream services or third-party APIs. Additionally, a new policy builds on this capability by enabling Federated Identity with GCP to enable Zuplo to call Google Cloud Services that are protected with GCP IAM.
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June 5, 2024
Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) + Fine-Grained API KeysIn order to provide more granular access control and security for production resources, Zuplo has added support for Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and Fine-Grained API Keys. These features allow enterprise customers to assign specific roles to users and create API keys with limited permissions.
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April 15, 2024
API Monetization Enhancements + New PoliciesWe continue to make improvements to the API Monetization beta, including better error handling, improved documentation, additional logging, and editable plans. We have also added new policies for API Brownouts and Curity Phantom Tokens.
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March 15, 2024
Unified Dev and Production Environments + API MonetizationWe have migrated to a unified infrastructure for development environments and production APIs. We are also excited to announce the release of API Monetization, a new feature that enables developers to charge for use of their APIs.
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February 15, 2024
Portal Improvements + Docs SearchWe have made a number of improvements to the Zuplo Developer Portal to enhance the user experience and provide more functionality. Additionally, we improved documentation search with an AI assistant.
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December 22, 2023
Portal UpdatesOver the past few weeks we have begun an effort to refine and improve the Zuplo Portal.
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November 15, 2023
New Self-Serve CapabilitiesOver the past month or so we have made it even easier to get setup and managed your Zuplo account and project.
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October 11, 2023
New API Playground & Additional Log FieldsAll Zuplo Developer portals now include an easy playground tool that makes it super easy for end-users to test your API.
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September 29, 2023
Supabase Auth & Dev Portal PerformanceSupabase authentication is now supported in the Zuplo Developer Portal. Additionally, the Developer Portal has been optimized for improved performance and decrease load times.
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Designed for Developers, Made for the Edge