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April 21 2023: Weekly Roundup

Secure Tunnel Management#

Secure Tunnels can now be managed using the Zuplo CLI or using the Developer API

String interpolated environment variables#

When using environment variables in with string interpolation in routes.json or your OpenAPI file, i.e. "option": "my-$env(ENV_VAR)-value" undefined environment variables would result in the string "undefined" (Javascript's result of ${undefined}). Instead undefined variables will now result in an empty string.

Developer Portal Enhancements#

Developer portal has been updated for improved performance and better error handling. Documentation improvements.

Environment Variable API + CLI#

Environment variables can now be managed via the Zuplo CLI or the Developer API

New Account Settings section in Portal#

Zuplo Portal now includes an account level settings with settings for billing.


  • Added bcrypt.js library

Designed for Developers, Made for the Edge