
Archive Request to Azure Storage Policy

Custom Policy Example

Zuplo is extensible, so we don't have a built-in policy for Archive Request to Azure Storage, instead we have a template here that shows you how you can use your superpower (code) to achieve your goals. To learn more about custom policies see the documentation.

In this example shows how you can archive the body of incoming requests to Azure Blob Storage. This can be useful for auditing, logging, or archival scenarios. Additionally, you could use this policy to save the body of a request and then enqueue some async work that uses this body.

import { HttpProblems, ZuploContext, ZuploRequest } from "@zuplo/runtime"; interface PolicyOptions { blobContainerPath: string; blobCreateSas: string; } export default async function ( request: ZuploRequest, context: ZuploContext, options: PolicyOptions, policyName: string, ) { // NOTE: policy options should be validated, but to keep the sample short, // we are skipping that here. // because we will read the body, we need to // create a clone of this request first, otherwise // there may be two attempts to read the body // causing a runtime error const clone = request.clone(); // In this example we assume the body could be text, but you could also // request the blob() to handle binary data types like images. // // This example loads the entire body into memory. This is fine for // small payloads, but if you have a large payload you should instead // save the body via streaming. const body = await clone.text(); // generate a unique blob name based on the date and requestId const blobName = `${Date.now()}-${context.requestId}.req.txt`; const url = `${options.blobContainerPath}/${blobName}?${options.blobCreateSas}`; const result = await fetch(url, { method: "PUT", body: body, headers: { "x-ms-blob-type": "BlockBlob", }, }); if (result.status > 201) { const text = await result.text(); context.log.error("Error saving file to storage", text); return HttpProblems.internalServerError(request, context, { detail: text, }); } // continue return request; }


The example below shows how to configure a custom code policy in the 'policies.json' document that utilizes the above example policy code.

{ "name": "my-archive-request-azure-storage-inbound-policy", "policyType": "archive-request-azure-storage-inbound", "handler": { "export": "default", "module": "$import(./modules/YOUR_MODULE)", "options": { "blobCreateSas": "$env(BLOB_CREATE_SAS)", "blobContainerPath": "$env(BLOB_CONTAINER_PATH)" } } }

Policy Options

The options for this policy are specified below. All properties are optional unless specifically marked as required.

  • blobCreateSas <string> -
    The Azure shared access token with permission to write to the bucket
  • blobContainerPath <string> -
    The path to the Azure blob container

Using the Policy

Using the Policy#

In order to use this policy, you'll need to setup Azure storage. You'll find instructions on how to do that below.

Setup Azure#

First, let's set up Azure. You'll need a container in Azure storage (docs). Once you have your container you'll need the URL - you can get it on the properties tab of your container as shown below.

Note - this sample is available as a Zup It on GitHub - just click ZupIt! to deploy to your Zuplo account: https://github.com/zuplo/samples-req-archive-filestorage


This URL will be the blobPath in our policy options.

Next, we'll need a SAS (Shared Access Secret) to authenticate with Azure. You can generate one of these on the Shared access tokens tab.

Note, you should minimize the permissions - and select only the Create permission. Choose a sensible start and expiration time for your token. Note, we do not recommend restricting IP addresses because Zuplo runs at the edge in over 200 data-centers world-wide.


Then generate your SAS token - copy the token (not the URL) to the clipboard and enter it into a new environment variable in your zup called BLOB_CREATE_SAS. You'll need another environment variable called BLOB_CONTAINER_PATH.

SAS token

Read more about how policies work

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