API Development and Management Tutorials

A curated set of API Tutorials. Learn to master API development and API management with our in-depth guides.

By Adrian Machado - 8/5/2024

How to Promote and Market your API: Unified APIs

By Adrian Machado - 8/2/2024

How to Promote and Market your API: SPECtacular OpenAPI

By Adrian Machado - 8/2/2024

How to Promote and Market your API: iPaaS

By Adrian Machado - 8/2/2024

How to Promote and Market your API: Follow the Hype Train

By Adrian Machado - 8/2/2024

How to Promote and Market your API: API Marketplaces

By Adrian Machado - 8/2/2024

How to Promote and Market your API: API Directories

By Josh Twist - 7/12/2024

Adding AI Magic To Your Firestore API

By Josh Twist - 7/11/2024

Adding Monetization Capabilities to Your Firestore API

By Josh Twist - 7/10/2024

Adding Developer Portal Access and Request Validation to a Firestore API

By Josh Twist - 7/9/2024

Adding API Key Authentication to a Firestore API

By Josh Twist - 7/8/2024

Creating a Simple CRUD API with Zuplo and Firestore

By Nate Totten - 4/27/2024

Building a Stripe-like Search Language from Scratch

By Nate Totten - 4/24/2024

Integrating Clerk With Zuplo For Seamless API Authentication

By Abdallah Abedraba - 12/20/2023

Monetizing APIs: a step easier with Moesif

By Abdallah Abedraba - 10/23/2023

Optimize Time-To-First-Call with API key auth

By Abdallah Abedraba - 10/3/2023

Caching OpenAI API responses

By Abdallah Abedraba - 9/29/2023

Announcing Supabase Auth for your API Developer Portal! - Supaweek Day 5

By Abdallah Abedraba - 9/28/2023

Monetizing your Supabase API! - Supaweek Day 4

By Abdallah Abedraba - 9/27/2023

Documentation for your Supabase API! - Supaweek Day 3

By Abdallah Abedraba - 9/26/2023

User-level auth in your Supabase API - Supaweek Day 2

By Abdallah Abedraba - 9/25/2023

Using Supabase and OpenAI to create an API - Supaweek Day 1

By Nate Totten - 9/14/2023

Using PropelAuth to secure your API at the Gateway

By Nate Totten - 9/11/2023

Backend for Frontend (BFF) Authentication

By Nate Totten - 7/16/2023

Zero Downtime migration of API Authentication

By Nate Totten - 6/12/2023

Turn Firebase Firestore Data into a simple REST API

By Josh Twist - 5/18/2023

Announcing rapid API mocking via OpenAPI

By Nate Totten - 5/10/2023

GraphQL vs REST: Choosing the Right API Design for Your Audience

By Josh Twist - 5/5/2023

Shipping a ChatGPT Plugin in record time (detailed walkthrough)

By Nate Totten - 4/19/2023

Bringing Types to APIs with TypeSpec

By Nate Totten - 4/11/2023

The Power of Problem Details for HTTP APIs

By Josh Twist - 4/5/2023

Using jose to validate a Firebase JWT token

By Nate Totten - 3/15/2023

Mirroring Docker Images with Github Actions

By Josh Twist - 1/29/2023

Smart Routing for Microservices (or isolated customer backends)

By Josh Twist - 1/9/2023

Per-user rate limiting for Supabase

By Josh Twist - 1/6/2023

Simple Query Parameter Validator using Custom Policies

By Josh Twist - 12/5/2022

Supa-dynamic rate-limiting based on data (using supabase)

By Josh Twist - 12/1/2022

API Key Authentication Best Practices

By Josh Twist - 11/18/2022

Shipping a public API backed by Supabase

By Josh Twist - 11/15/2022

API Authentication using Supabase JWT tokens

By Nate Totten - 4/28/2022

Running GitHub Actions After Cloudflare Pages Deploy

By Josh Twist - 4/28/2022

Dynamic API Rate Limiting - You're a while loop away from DDOS

By Josh Twist - 3/30/2022

A better AWS API Gateway?

By Josh Twist - 3/29/2022

Zuplo Portal Tour: Logging, Analytics, and Crazy fast deployments

By Josh Twist - 3/28/2022

The JsFiddle of APIs?

By Josh Twist - 3/25/2022

Web Form to AirTable

By Josh Twist - 3/24/2022

An API gateway over SaaS?

By Josh Twist - 3/22/2022

Custom policies in code, archiving requests to S3 for replay later

By Josh Twist - 3/21/2022

Basic Authentication and Environment Variables

By Josh Twist - 3/18/2022

Incoming body validation with JSON Schema

By Josh Twist - 3/16/2022

JWT Authentication with Auth0

By Josh Twist - 3/15/2022

Programmable to the max - making an API with Zuplo

By Josh Twist - 3/14/2022

How to proxy an API, add rate limiting, and go LIVE

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