Local Development

Connecting to Zuplo Services Locally

To use Zuplo services such as API keys and rate limiting locally, you must have a Zuplo account and an existing project. You will be using the connections from your remote gateway.

  1. Run npx zup link to bring in relevant information from your Zuplo account and project. Follow the prompt to select the right environment. For local development, we recommend selecting the development environment.
  2. At this point, you will see a file called .env.zuplo containing some information about the account, project, and environment that your local gateway is linked to.


As the .env.zuplo file could contain sensitive information, it should not be committed to your version system. Consider adding .env.zuplo to your .gitignore file.

  1. You can run npm run dev as normal. The Zuplo CLI will automatically pick up the relevant services from the .env.zuplo file.
  2. If you want to switch environments (e.g., from development to preview), run npx zup link again and select the new environment. You can see which environment you are connected to by looking at the .env.zuplo file.
Contents of .env.zuplo
# This file is auto-generated from zup link. Please do not edit it manually. # It will be auto-generated afresh the next time you run zup link. # If you wish to add your own environment variables, create a separate .env file. ZUPLO_ACCOUNT_NAME=your-account-name ZUPLO_PROJECT_NAME=your-project-name ZUPLO_ENVIRONMENT_TYPE=your-environment
Installing Packages